Welcome on the news page of the Doctoral School ED564 : «Physique en Île-de-France»
Cours doctoral «Dark Matter and Neutrino» à l’Institut Henri Poincaré - 5-9 mai 2025
Deadline Friday, January 31 2025 at 21:00:00Les cours proposés et validées comme faisant partie du parcours des doctorants de l’ED PIF
Contact: TWFyY28lMjBDaXJlbGxpQLife Quantitative biology winter school “Polygenic Adaptation : from Quantitative Genetics to Population Genomics ”
Deadline Wednesday, January 08 2025 at MidnightCalls for applications for attending Qlife schools in quantitative biology, entitled “Cell Dynamics in Developmental Systems”. These courses include a series of hands-on computational workshops and are designed for Master 2 and PhD students, as well as postdocs and junior scientists with backgrounds in life science, physics, chemistry, computer science, engineering or mathematics. Deadlines for applications is 08th, 2025
Qlife Quantitative Biology Spring School «Cell Dynamics in Developmental Systems»
2025-01-19Calls for applications for attending Qlife schools in quantitative biology, entitled “Cell Dynamics in Developmental Systems”. These courses include a series of hands-on computational workshops and are designed for Master 2 and PhD students, as well as postdocs and junior scientists with backgrounds in life science, physics, chemistry, computer science, engineering or mathematics. Deadlines for applications is 19th, 2025
Le groupe de renormalisation fonctionnelle : Introduction et applications en matière condensée quantique
2025-01-16Le cours a pour but d’introduire un large public à la version moderne du groupe de renormalisation Wilsonien.
Contact: Tmljb2xhcyUyMER1cHVpcw==Université PSL_Catalogue des formations de l’année universitaire 2024–2025
2025-01-01Le Collège doctoral de l’Université PSL a le plaisir de vous transmettre le catalogue des formations accessibles aux doctorantes et doctorants de notre Université.
Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics: transport and interfacial dynamics
Deadline Friday, December 06 2024 at MidnightCe cours vise à proposer une formation à l’interface entre les cours classiques d’introduction à la mécanique des fluides et les problèmes plus avancés abordés dans la recherche.
Nonlinear waves and pattern formation
Deadline Wednesday, December 04 2024 at MidnightThis course aims to provide simple methods to handle so-called complex phenomena described by nonlinear partial differential equations. Systems governed by nonlinear equations display multiple solutions with different symmetries. We study the bifurcations i.e. the transitions between these solutions when a parameter of the system is varied. We show that in the vicinity of these bifurcations, the system is governed by universal equations, normal forms, that mostly depend on the broken symmetries at the trans
Light scattering in complex media: from astronomy to cold atoms
2024-11-07Every Thursday from 09:00 to 12:30, starting on Thursday 07 November and ending on Thursday 12 December 2024. Light scattering in complex media prevents the use of standard imaging techniques. Seeing through scattering media and understanding how light interacts with matter are major challenges in various areas, such as biomedical imaging, soft matter, cold atomic physics and astronomy. Original approaches have been developed in the past twenty years, leading to novel protocols for the detection of objects or the control of light-matter interaction in the multiple scattering regime. The lecture introduces the basic physical concepts for the understanding of wave propagation in disordered scattering media, illustrated by numerous examples from various fields of modern physics.
Contact: Romain Pierrat (romain.pierrat@espci.psl.eu), Arthur Goetschy (arthur.goetschy@espci.psl.eu)
Upcoming thesis defenses
- 2024-12-02 : Paul Raux (LIED)
Circuit theory for thermodynamic devices in stationary nonequilibrium.At : Amphithéâtre Pierre Gilles de Gennes - Bâtiment Condorcet-4 Rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris , on 15:30
As with the study of electronic circuits, the study of complex systems is often facilitated by breaking them down into simpler sub-systems. Two sub-problems then arise: 1) the study of each sub-system separately; 2) the emergence of new behaviours when they are reassembled. The theory of non-equilibrium circuits is best understood for a single pair of current (electric) and conjugate thermodynamic force (voltage), as is the case in electronics. Each subsystem is then described by a current-voltage characteristic, summarised in the concept of scalar impedance. The current-voltage characteristic of the whole system is then obtained using the conservation laws within and at the interface of each subsystem (for example, Kirchoff’s laws). The aim of this thesis is to pave the way for the generalisation of stationary electronics to non-equilibrium stationary thermodynamic machines with an arbitrary number of currents and conjugate forces subject to different couplings (e.g. thermoelectric). To do this, we identify tools for treating conservation laws within a complex network. We replace the notion of scalar impedance by a matrix object, the non-equilibrium conductance matrix, which takes into account the coupling between the different types of currents flowing through the system. In particular, we show that the law of addition of resistances (resp. conductances) for series (resp. parallel) associations remains valid in the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamic machines. We illustrate this general result for a wide class of systems (thermoelectric converters, chemical reaction networks, energy conversion models with Markov jump processes).
- 2024-12-03 : Nico Margaria (C2N)
Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon sources based on near infrared quantum dotsAt : Amphithéâtre du Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 10 Bd Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau , on 10:00
Quantum technologies promise to bring several improvements in the fields of sensing, communication and computing. Single-photon-emitting devices are a promising platform for quantum applications, having already demonstrated an advantage over their classical counterparts. The highest-quality emitter for the purpose are epitaxial quantum dots (QD) made of III-V semiconductors. To reach the best performances the QDs are embedded in microcavities and are electrically controlled and stabilized. In this thesis are described the basics of QDs properties and the processes to transform them into efficient sources. This includes multiple advancements toward more functional sources with broader applications, requiring standardization to efficiently scale the fabrication yield. Major advancements have been taken on two key parts of the process, controlling the spatial and spectral density of QDs, and improving the deterministic fabrication by in-situ lithography. Motivated by simplifying the use of these devices, the development of directly fiber coupled sources of single photon is presented. This is a crucial step toward plug and play devices, allowing a simpler and more reliable operation. The fiber pigtailed devices are shown to conserve the state-of-the-art performances over months of operation. In parallel, a different type of QDs have been developed based on droplet-etching epitaxy. This unlocks the expansion of the wavelength range of available single-photon emitters. The first deterministic devices are fabricated based on the new droplet-etched QDs.
- 2024-12-04 : Quentin Guigue (LJP)
Roles of intercellular adhesion properties and mechanical perturbations as structuration factor of emulsions based prototissuesAt : campus jussieu, amphithéâtre à préciser , on 14:00
During morphogenesis, bio-chemical signaling and mechanical cues are at play in order to give rise to shape and function to future formed tissues, influencing each other through a dynamic feedback loop. Still, the role of such mechanical cues on the emergence of structure is not well understood. In particular, in the context of adhesive tissues or cell aggregates, it is known that the hierarchy of cell-cell adhesion, together with cellular motility, can lead to the self-organization of identified structures, a phenomenon described within the framework of the differential adhesion hypothesis. Nevertheless, these kinds of processes have been mainly studied in biological systems in vivo or in vitro where deciphering the exact influence of individual factors like cell-cell adhesion or forces remain challenging. In order to tackle this problem, we choose to work in a simplified framework. We use adhesive emulsions as a biomimetic system of epithelial tissues, in which each oil droplet mimics a cell in the tissue and we introduce differentials of adhesion using palindromic DNA sequences as the binders between the droplets. The obtained “proto-tissues” are then flowed in micro-channels of various geometry that directly define the stress field. We seek to experimentally and theoretically elucidate the influence of local droplet deformations and T1 events on the global behavior of the emulsion flow. Next, we try to correlate those observations to the evolving structure of the emulsion along the channel as a function of the interdroplet adhesion hierarchy. By comparing our findings with structural features described in biological tissues we will thus be able to infer a potential role of adhesion regulations to facilitate the emergence of structure in developing tissues.
- 2024-12-06 : Maxime Pesche (SYRTE)
Atteindre le nano-g avec un gravimètre absolu à atomes froidsAt : Observatoire de Paris , on 09:30
Cette thèse présente les derniers travaux réalisés sur le gravimètre absolu à atomes froids du LNE-SYRTE. Il s’agit d’un appareil utilisant l’interférométrie atomique à l’aide d’impulsions Raman sur un nuage d’atomes froids de Rubidium 87 en chute libre, dont la phase est sensible à l’accélération de pesanteur g. Nous connaissons les limites en sensibilité comme en exactitude, qui sont liées aux aberrations du front d’onde du faisceau réalisant les impulsions Raman. Dans le but de réduire ces effets et d’atteindre une exactitude de 1×10-9 g, le dispositif a été déménagé du LNE-Trappes à l’Observatoire de Paris, afin d’apporter les modifications nécessaires. Après de nombreuses réparations dans le but de remettre l’expérience en marche, nous parvenons à réaliser des mesures de g avec une sensibilité de 20×10-9 g en 1 s, comparable à celles réalisées dans le laboratoire du LNE-Trappes. Nous présentons également une étude détaillée de l’effet de l’impulsion miroir sur les signaux de mesures. Nous montrons que dû à la présence d’inhomogénéités sur le profil d’intensité, cette impulsion est une source de perte critique du contraste des mesures, pouvant amener à une limite de sensibilité. Ce phénomène cause également un biais sur la mesure de g, de l’ordre de 5×10-9 g, qui n’est pas éliminé de l’algorithme de mesure et doit donc être pris en compte dans le bilan d’incertitude.
- 2024-12-09 : Dimitrios Mitsios (IPHT)
New relations for correlators and intersection numbersAt : Institut de Physique Théorique, Itzykson room , on 16:00
Correlation functions are central objects in Physics and Mathematics. We define them in the context of integrable systems using determinantal formulas and explore their properties and applications on intersection theory in the moduli space of curves. Moreover, we present the relation between topological recursion, integrable systems and matrix models. This thesis comprises two articles and code implementation. The first article presents a method for deriving differential equations and recurrence relations for correlation functions in integrable systems and random matrices, allowing for the construction of coefficients that are rational functions. The second article introduces a new formula for intersection numbers of psi classes over the moduli space of curves, solving a conjecture from previous work. Python implementation for computing the following integrals over the moduli space of curves: simple and triple Hodge integrals with or without theta classes. We begin by introducing random matrix theory from a historical perspective.
- 2024-12-10 : Mélanie Ruelle (LPENS)
Tressage d’anyons dans le domaine temporel dans des conducteurs à effet Hall quantiqueAt : Salle Ferdinand Berthier (U207) 29 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris , on 09:30
- 2024-12-10 : Mariia Legenkaia (LPENS)
Reconstruction de trajectoires neuronales de basse dimension à partir des enregistrements de l’activité de population : des limitations statistiques à la conception expérimentaleAt : Salle Favard 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris , on 14:00
- 2024-12-11 : Louis Delloye (LKB)
Optical computing via propagation in complex mediaAt : , on 14:30
- 2024-12-11 : Elliot Thouvenot (PCC)
Production Hydrodynamique et Ingénierie en Fer de Vésicules Extracellulaires de Cellules SouchesAt : Amphithéatre de l’Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 6 rue Jean Calvin 75005 Paris , on 14:00
- 2024-12-13 : Guillaume Baillard (INSP)
Transferts d’énergie et effets collectifs sur la luminescence de nanoplaquettes individuelles et auto-assembléesAt : 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris , on 14:00
Les nanoplaquettes colloïdales semi-conductrices se distinguent par leurs propriétés optiques exceptionnelles, faisant d’elles des candidates prometteuses pour des applications en optoélectronique, photovoltaïque et information quantique. Il est donc essentiel de comprendre les propriétés collectives découlant de leurs interactions lorsqu’elles sont assemblées. Dans cette thèse, j’ai étudié, à l’aide d’un dispositif de micro-photoluminescence, des chaînes unidimensionnelles de nanoplaquettes de CdSe auto-assemblées. Il est bien établi que, dans ces chaînes, le transfert d’énergie par FRET (pour Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) domine la dynamique de luminescence, introduisant ainsi de nombreux effets collectifs, comme le scintillement. J’ai d’abord étudié la photoluminescence des nanoplaquettes individuelles. Les mesures sur des objets uniques ont permis de mieux comprendre la dynamique des nanoplaquettes ainsi que l’importance des états pièges dans ces systèmes. J’ai ensuite mis en évidence un phénomène collectif dans les assemblages, avec l’observation d’un dégroupement de photons et d’un scintillement collectif, que nous interprétons comme un processus d’annihilation exciton-exciton favorisé par le transfert d’énergie par FRET. La diffusion de l’énergie excitonique le long de la chaîne augmente la probabilité de rencontre de deux excitons sur une même nanoplaquette, favorisant ainsi les recombinaisons de type Auger et, par conséquent, améliorant le dégroupement. Un modèle de marche aléatoire a permis de décrire ce phénomène. Enfin, des études préliminaires à basse température ont révélé un décalage vers le rouge entre l’émission des nanoplaquettes individuelles et celles des chaînes, ainsi que l’apparition de nombreux pics dans le spectre des chaînes, que nous supposons être liés à l’émission d’états pièges.
- 2024-12-16 : Joris Verstraten (LKB)
Quantum Gas Microscopy of Fermions in Continuous SpaceAt : Collège de France, 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris 5è, Salle 2 , on 15:00
Cold atom experiments have traditionally employed bulk imaging techniques, such as absorption imaging, to measure atomic sample densities. However, in recent years, single-atom imaging methods have emerged as powerful tools to probe and manipulate quantum many-body systems at the level of individual particles. This work focuses specifically on quantum gas microscopy using Raman sideband cooling in an optical lattice. This technique, which has been used extensively in several cold atoms groups, has mostly been applied in the context of discrete systems, such as the celebrated Bose- and Fermi-Hubbard models and their generalization. In this thesis, we show how quantum gas microscopy can be extended beyond its original scope to probe continuous many-body systems in a quantitative manner. Our proposed protocol consists in a rapid ramp of the pinning lattice intensity, projecting atoms from the continuum onto discrete lattice sites, followed by a Raman sideband cooling stage that confines atoms near the motional ground state and prevents them from escaping during imaging. To validate the effectiveness of this new method, we characterize the pinning and imaging process by using continuous quantum gas microscopy to reconstruct the wavefunction of a single-atom Gaussian wave packet during its free expansion. Under optimal conditions, we achieve an imaging fidelity in excess of 95%, defined as the probability of projecting an atom from the continuum to the nearest lattice site and successfully imaging it. We also apply this technique to a quasi-two-dimensional non-interacting Fermi gas, enabling us to extract two- and three-body correlation functions, g2 and g3, with unprecedented spatial resolution and finding an excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction. In particular, our measurements reveal a 90% reduction in the probability of finding two atoms in close proximity for the coldest samples, offering one of the most pristine in-situ observations of the Pauli exclusion principle in a continuous system. Finally, we propose a thermometry method based on atom number fluctuations, which are readily obtained from our imaging procedure. Crucially, this thermometry technique could be generalized to strongly interacting systems, where temperature estimation is typically challenging. The quantum gas microscopy technique developed here opens new avenues for studying continuous many-body systems with unprecedented resolution, offering a powerful tool for future cold atom experiments.
- 2024-12-16 : Louis Bremaud (LPTMS)
Mean-Field Game description of virus propagationAt : Petit amphi, LPTMS – Bâtiment Pascal n° 530 rue André Rivière – Université Paris-Saclay 91405 Orsay CEDEX, FRANCE , on 10:00
This thesis investigates the role of human behavior in epidemic modeling. Epidemics are influenced by both individuals’ spontaneous responses and government-imposed measures, creating a feedback loop that shapes the outbreak’s progression. However, many existing models treat human behavior as an external factor, limiting their realism. To address this gap, the thesis applies the Mean Field Game (MFG) framework, a theoretical tool for incorporating individual decision-making into epidemic models. The first part of the thesis applies the MFG approach to an SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) model with a social structure. Individuals balance infection risk against the social and economic costs of reducing contact. Numerical simulations with realistic parameters identify a Nash equilibrium, reflecting self-interested behavior, and we compare it to the social optimum, which minimizes overall societal costs. The gap between these scenarios is narrowed through constrained Nash equilibria, which include government interventions. The analysis also reveals that changes in population size or model duration can lead to phase transitions in optimal strategies, emphasizing the need for adaptive policies. In the second part, the MFG framework is extended to complex networks, where individuals differ in connectivity. Using pairwise approximation, we derive epidemic dynamics and integrate MFG principles. Simulations on realistic contact networks highlight how variations in social cost structures influence individual behavior, with significant differences observed based on connectivity levels. A related project provides new analytical insights into the SIR model on regular networks.
- 2024-12-16 : Clément Du Burck (IL)
Diffusion multiple d’ondes ultrasonores dans les polycristauxAt : Amphithéâtre de l’IPGP, 1 rue Jussieu, Paris 75005 , on 14:00
Rencontres des Jeunes Physicien·ne·s (RJP) / Meetings of Young Physicists
2024-12-09Meetings of Young Physicists which will be held at Auditorium de Jussieu, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, on the 9th of December 2024. The goal of RJP is to bring together the community of physicists at the beginning of their careers and to give an overview of today’s challenges in different domains of physics. The RJP day is structured around a series of 15 minutes presentations in English and French (English is preferred) and a poster session. At the end of the day, the Young Researcher prize will be awarded by the French Physics Society. If you want to present your work, please submit an abstract on the website. The deadline for abstract submission is the 25th of November.
Contact :VGhlJTIwMjAyNCUyMFJKUCUyMG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbiUyMGNvbW1pdHRlZQ==Next PSL Afterlabs December 5th 2024: Greenerwave
2024-12-05The PSL Graduate program in Physics invites you to meet and discuss with physicists working in companies in an informal way. On december 5th 6:15pm we will have the pleasure to welcome : Geoffroy Lerosey from Greenerwave. Drawing on deep-wave physics, Greenerwave develops revolutionary solutions to meet the toughest connectivity and mobility challenges. https://greenerwave.com Where : Room E244/ConfIV ENS Physics dpt 24 rue Lhomond 75005 Paris Registration recommended to set the beers/soft drinks stock Contacts : luca.demedici@espci.fr jean-francois.allemand@phys.ens.fr
Call for projects and applications
- Programme de bourses France Excellence Eiffel 2024-10-04
Deadline Friday, December 06 2024 at MidnightLe Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères a confié la gestion du programme de bourses France Excellence Eiffel à Campus France. Ce programme est un outil développé par le Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères afin de permettre aux établissements français d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche d’attirer les meilleurs étudiants étrangers dans des formations diplômantes de niveau master et doctorat. Le nouvel appel à candidatures du programme est ouvert au titre de la campagne 2025 jusqu’au mercredi 6 Décembre 2024 inclus. (Veuillez prendre en considération que cette date diffère de celle mentionnée sur le site de Campus France, néanmoins c’est celle que nous avons retenue pour notre université.) Cette année il est possible de présenter des candidatures pour des doctorants en cours de thèse dans le cadre d’une cotutelle (il faudra que la convention soit signée). - Bourse de 12 mois maximum pour une inscription en 2ème ou 3ème année de doctorat - Bourse de 18 mois maximum pour une inscription en 1ère ou 2ème année. Il est également possible d’accorder des bourses de 36 mois conditionnées à une inscription en 1ère année uniquement et exclusivement pour des étudiants primo-arrivants (étudiants qui ne sont pas en cours d’études en France, et qui n’ont pas une inscription en cours dans un établissement français) qui ne s’inscriraient pas en cotutelle.
- INSP (ex-ENA) SM concours d’entrée réservé aux titulaires d’un diplôme de doctorat 2023-02-02
Un concours externe spécial d’entrée à l’INSP (ENA) sera ouvert en 2023, réservé aux titulaires d’un doctorat pour l’accès aux emplois de la haute fonction publique (administrateur de l’Etat, par exemple au ministère de la transition écologique ou de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, en juridiction administrative ou financière, inspection générale, préfectorale, carrière diplomatique, etc.). Trois épreuves sont au programme: une note sur dossier, un entretien, un oral d’anglais. Une préparation à distance et sans frais est envisagée, assurée comme chaque année par un membre de l’association des anciens élèves de l’ENA/INSP. Pour toute demande d’inscription à la préparation, s’adresser pour le concours docteurs INSP directement à prepa.insp@mail.com ou, pour les autres concours INSP, à l’université de Strasbourg marcsimon@unistra.fr, directeur de la classe préparatoire de sciences-po aux concours de la haute fonction publique. Le nombre de places étant limité, les demandes d’inscription à la préparation seront traitées par ordre de réception.
News briefs
Recent job offers
- 2024-11-18th – [Post-doc] Characterisation of fast transient phenomena using X-ray phase contrast imaging Contact : amelie jarnac
- 2024-11-8th – Position at ETH Zurich
- 2024-11-7th – Postdoc spintronics/instrumentation/RF CDD @SPEC CEA Saclay Contact : aurelie.solignac@cea.fr
- 2024-11-4th – Ingénieur R&D en calcul quantique (CDI) à QbitSoft (Paris) Contact : Filippo Stellin
- 2024-10-11th – Le Mans - Holographic imaging for in-situ defect analysis of metallic materials in laser fusion manufacturing Contact : Béatrice Sorrente
- 2024-12-03 : Nico Margaria (C2N)