Une offre de 2 ans de postdoc est ouverte au laboratoire de physique des lasers de l'université de Villetaneuse pour travailler sur l'expérience Rubidium, sur la dynamique très hors équilibre de gaz quantiques confinés sur une surface courbe. Début autour de janvier 2025, à discuter, voir aussi le document suivantpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
A PhD position is open at the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théorique, Nancy, France, under the supervision of Cyril Elouard. The position can be preceded by an internship for students finishing their master in 2024-2025. The topic is quantum thermodynamics, and more precisely nonequilibrium thermodynamic of quantum open systems. Détails about the offer: Webpage of the group:par Frédéric Chevy - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
We offer PhD student position in theoretical nuclear physics at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland. Title of research topic: The distribution of nuclear matter during fission Supervisors: Michal Warda and Anna Zdeb The PhD student will be involved in the theoretical analysis of the fission process. The fully microscopic Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov theory will be used to analyzepar Frédéric Chevy - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
The SPHYNX group at condensed matter physics department (SPEC, CEA-CNRS joint lab at CEA Saclay) has an opening for a full-time research scientist in the domain of the physics of mechanical metamaterials. The profile sought and application procedure are detailed on the following link: The application file should be sent before 15 September 2024 by email to Daniel Bonamy and Sapar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
L'équipe Métrologie, Molécules et Tests Fondamentaux du Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) recherche un candidat pour une thèse combinant métrologie des fréquences et recherche sur les molécules froides pour des mesures spectroscopiques de précisions et des tests de physique fondamentale. Titre: Ultra-High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Tests ofpar Frédéric Chevy - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Postdoctoral position in ultracold atoms and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia We have an opening for an 18-month fixed-term Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in theoretical and computational physics of ultracold atoms and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids in the research group of Professor Karen V. Kheruntsyan at the University of Queenslanpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
------- Position 1 ------ TENORS (Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy and optimiSation) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network / Joint Doctorate (2024-2027), offering 15 PhD positions. The objective of TENORS is to conduct advanced research that addresses critical challenges in the fields of tensor modeling and computation, joining forces from algebraic geometry, global optimisation, numericalpar Frédéric Chevy - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
We advertise 2 positions in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests team of Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL) - Sorbonne Paris Nord University: - a tenure-track position ‘CPJ’ (Junior Professor Chair) in atomic and molecular physics entitled entitled Precision measurements for fundamental physics. The selected candidate will be affiliated to one of the following three institutespar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Full-time post-doc position open at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland (Institute of Physics). Project: “New experimental methods for trapping cold molecular hydrogen” (ERC Starting grant) PI: Piotr Wcisło Duration: 1 - 4 years Starts at: 2024 Key responsibilities include: 1) Development of optical and laser systems (UV lasers, high-power CW lasers, opticpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Pitaevskii BEC Center in Trento is looking for potential candidates for a forthcoming postdoc position on the theory of nonequilibrium dynamics in open quantum systems. The research will focus on understanding the role of dissipation, decoherence and measurements in cold atomic gasses and synthetic quantum matter, bridging concepts and methods from quantum information theory and condensed matterpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
We invite applications for a postdoctoral appointment. The area is broadly defined in the theory of quantum matter. Preference will be given to those interested in the interface of Cold Atom, Condensed Matter, and Particle Physics. The candidate should have a strong background or future interest in many body physics and field theoretical methods. The position can start September in every academicpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
UMass Boston is funding multiple postdoctoral and PhD positions in quantum physics through the recently awarded ExpandQISE NSF grant https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2328774 Areas of interest include quantum foundations, quantum many-body physics (including exact computational approaches), quantum thermodynamics, Rydberg physics, and ultracold quantum gases. Postdocs canpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
We advertise the opening of 3 postdoc positions and permanent positions at the Laser physics laboratory (LPL) of Sorbonne Paris North University (USPN), in the field of cold atoms and quantum gases. (*) 3 post-doc positions are open to work either on the Sodium, the Rubidium or the Strontium experiment, see attached documents: - Dynamics of 1D Bose gases: contact helepar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Up to two postdoctoral positions within the SISSA Statistical Physics Group are available starting in autumn 2024. The positions have a duration of two years and the successful candidates are expected to work on the general area of quantum field theory and statistical physics. The scientific interests of the group include quantum and conformal integrable models, tensor network calculations,par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) and the Department of Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS) invite applications for a joint position for the experimental study of cold gases of neutral atoms, as platforms for quantum simulations and computation. CQT and NUS Physics More information here.par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
DESCRIPTION A 4-year PhD position is available, on the resource cost of quantum computing, focused on full-stack aspects and fundamental hardware considerations. The successful candidate will be enrolled in the CQT PhD programme, for a start not later than January 2024. The project is part of the ANR-NRF ``QuRes” project and will be co-supervised by Associate Prof. Hui Khoon Ng (Yale-NUS, MajuLapar Frédéric Chevy - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
2 postes ATER en section 30 seront ouverts pour l'année 2023-2024 au LPL, voir la fiche de poste. Les candidatures seront possibles du 24 avril 2023 au 12 mai sur Galaxie et sur le site de l'USPN. Si vous souhaitez candidater, merci de prendre contact avec la directrice du laboratoire (amy@univ-patis13.fr) ou le responsable du département de physique (luc.museur@univ-paris13.fr).par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Un poste d'ingénieur de recherche en photonique (fiche de poste jointe), partagé entre le département TF et le département d'optique de FEMTO-ST de l'université de Franche-Comté sera mis au concours au printemps. Contacts : TF : Yann Kersalé (yann.kersale@femto-st.fr) ; 0381402763 Jacques Millo (jacques.millo@femto-st.fr) ; 0381402924 Optique : Maxime Jacquot (maxime.jacquot@par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Un poste de maître de conférences en section 28 et 30 est ouvert à l'université Paris-CIté. lien galaxie:par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Une chaire de professeur junior est ouverte au sein de l'ENSMM et du département Temps Fréquence de FEMTO-ST. IL est associé à un contrat d'une durée de 5 ans avant un jury de titularisation sur un poste de professeur des Universités. L'enseignement sera partagé entre l'ENSMM (Electronique et optique) et l'Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté (Masters en Physique et Optipar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
job opportunities (mainly Ph. D and postdoctal positions but not only) are available in Bordeaux, to work in the fields of Cold Atom Quantum Sensors. The environment has the particularity to include a public laboratory (Institut d'Optique/LP2N), a company (iXblue) and a innovation center for quantum technologies (Naquidis). More details available in this document.par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to work on two projects dealing with quantum entanglement: 1) Light emitting diode for generation of entangled optical photon pairs 2) Multipartite quantum entanglement at microwave frequencies Details of the positions can be found at:par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
he University of Strasbourg is looking for several highly motivated team members to join us in developing a large scale quantum computing platform and ecosystem in the east of France. Position 1 Chief research engineer - Lead the technical development of a full stack NISQ quantum computer based on atomic qubits. PhD and postdoc experience in experimental physics required (or equivalent experipar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
The superconducting qubits group in Neel Institute in Grenoble is seeking for a postdoctoral candidate to work on high fidelity quantum measurements and development of a superconducting multi-qubits platform. More details on the position are given in the attached document.par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Un poste de MdC est ouvert á l'Université de Lille, section 63 á l'interface avec la section 28. Le profil enseignement est radiofréquences (RF) et en recherche design et fabrication de micro-nano dispositifs (GHz au THz) de différentes filières (silicium, III-V, III-N, nouveaux matériaux - par exemple 2D). Vous trouvez les contactes recherche et enseignement dans le pdf en piècepar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Voici une offre de postdoc à Bordeaux sur un projet ANR consistant à développer un laser bas bruit pour ensuite aller l'intégrer et l'utiliser sur une expérience de lévitation optique de nanoparticules, à l'Institut d’Optique d'Aquitaine – IUT Université Bordeaux, Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N).par Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Harold and Judith Rosenberg Chair in Quantum Technology The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland is initiating an international search to identify and appoint a suitable candidate to a recently endowed Chair in Quantum Technology. Mrs Judith Rosenberg was a long-term friend of the University and very interested in technology development in general, and Physics in particular. Throughpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
A 24 months postdoctoral position is available from the 1st April 2022 at the Chemistry Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris). The project, funded by the European Innovation Council, relies on a collaboration between L. Jullien and T. Le Saux from the group «Physical and Biological Chemistry of Living Matter» at ENS with expertise in dynamic contrast fluorescence imaging, [1-5] andpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
University of Tuebingen offers several PhD and Postdoc positions. They are available at two experimental setups, one aiming at analog quantum simulation in optical lattices with an ultracold mixture of Erbium and Lithium and one aiming at quantum computing and simulation with Strontium atoms in optical tweezers in a cryogenic environment. Both efforts are embedded in larger consortia within the Gpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers
Erwann Bocquillon's group in Cologne is looking for a post-doc and a PhD student, on the physics of the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Please find below the links to the description of the positions as well as the contact/application information: - PhD position - Post-doc position Interested candidates can also contact me at bocquillonpar Frédéric Chevy - Offres d'emploi/Job offers