Full-time post-doc position open at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland (Institute of Physics).
Project: “New experimental methods for trapping cold molecular hydrogen” (ERC Starting grant)
PI: Piotr Wcisło
Duration: 1 - 4 years
Starts at: 2024
Key responsibilities include:
1) Development of optical and laser systems (UV lasers, high-power CW lasers, optical frequency combs, ultra-high finesse cavities, etc.)
2) Development of vacuum/cryogenic system
3) AMO physics measurements (molecules cooling, trapping, spectroscopy, etc.)
- Experience in experimental AMO physics
- PhD in physics or a closely related field,
- Publication record in atomic/molecular physics,
- Good command of written and spoken English.
Contact person: Piotr Wcisło,