DESCRIPTION A 4-year PhD position is available, on the resource cost of quantum computing, focused on full-stack aspects and fundamental hardware considerations. The successful candidate will be enrolled in the CQT PhD programme, for a start not later than January 2024. The project is part of the ANR-NRF ``QuRes” project and will be co-supervised by Associate Prof. Hui Khoon Ng (Yale-NUS, MajuLab, CQT) and Dr. Alexia Auffèves (CNRS, MajuLab, CQT). It contributes to the international effort of the recently launched Quantum Energy Initiative.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The resource cost of quantum computing will ultimately determine the feasibility and usefulness of quantum computers. In this PhD project, we will examine aspects of quantum computing costs, from algorithmic considerations and its link to the hardware, to fundamental physical costs.
On the hardware side, the PhD student will work on the energy cost of basic functionalities at play in photonic qubits and superconducting qubits. The accurate quantification of these costs will rely on the methodology developed in the Auffèves group to model light-matter interactions in superconducting circuits, and more generally in waveguide QED systems. On the conceptual side, it will benefit from a newly developed framework to analyze the nature of energy exchanges within bipartite quantum systems. On the computational and full-stack side, the student can expect to explore a variety of algorithms, from NISQ to universal computation, and noise-mitigation and error-correction techniques, appropriate for the different hardware platforms, with the goal of assessing and comparing the computational and physical resource costs.
SCIENTIFIC ENVIRONMENT The student will join a long-standing collaboration between the groups of Associate Prof. Hui Khoon Ng and Dr. Alexia Auffèves, with strong links with France through the quantum energy team (|QET>) co-lead by A. Auffèves and R. Whitney (LPMMC Grenoble, France). The PhD will benefit from the strong momentum recently gained both in Singapore and in France on the topic. She/he will have the opportunity to work closely with the theory post-docs involved in the energetics of quantum technologies, as well as with leading experimental groups working on superconducting and photonic qubits.
1. Bachelor’s degree in physics
1. Programming experience in a standard language (Python, C++, or MATLAB, etc.)
2. Prior experience with quantum information and computation, either through coursework or past research projects.
Keywords: quantum physics, quantum computing, quantum hardware, energy cost, resource cost
Monthly stipend: 3,300 SGD (after passing the qualifying exams)
Workplace address: Centre for Quantum Technologies, Science Drive 2 Block S15-03-18 Singapore 117543
Interested applicants please send your resume to:
Email : or Please attach your full CV, with the names and contacts (including email addresses) of two character referees.