PhD on
 Statistical Physics & Condensed Matter Theory 

jeudi 21 mars 2019 19:23:23
Supervision: Ludovic Jaubert (CNRS, University of Bordeaux)

Website: []
PhD funded for 3 years: gross salary: 2135 euros / month, starting in September 2019
Keywords: spin liquids, topological phases, emergent phenomena, frustrated magnetism

The motivation of this PhD is to design the properties of spin liquids and their quasi-particle excitations. Two main axes will be investigated: the evolution of spin liquids between 2 and 3 dimensions (e.g. by considering different slab geometries) and the influence of quenched disorder (impurities ...).

This project has been designed for a PhD, with a combination of well posed problems to start with, and open questions to foster the scientific intuition of the student. The project is expected to be predominantly numerical, but depending on the student’s preference, more or less analytical approaches are also available.

We are looking for a motivated and serious student, with a Master in Physics, a solid background in condensed-matter and/or statistical physics, and an interest in simulations. The candidate is expected to be proficient in English and/or French. Informal inquiries are welcome.

Please apply through the website: []