ZENITH est un nouveau programme international de 15 PhD interdisciplinaire financé par l’UE (MSCA-ITN-ETN) coordonné par Claire Wyart de l’Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière (ICM), et avec 12 autres partenaires en Europe (Paris, Londres, Barcelone, Munich, Lisbonne, Edimbourg, Berlin, Vienne).
Nous lançons une campagne de recrutement auprès des étudiants en Master, ou anciens étudiants, qui souhaite faire un PhD dans un autre pays d’Europe, commençant à partir de l’été 2020. Les dossiers de candidatures seront disponible le 31 octobre 2019, et devront être déposés avant le 5 janvier 2020.

Pour plus d'informations : [zenith-etn.com]

ZENITH is an interdisciplinary PhD program aiming to train the next generation of neuroscientists to uncover the mysteries of circuits underlying behaviour by applying quantitative data analysis and modelling and state of the art experimental approaches. Supervision relies on 13 principal investigators expert in either neuroscience, physics, or computational modelling working together in highly-collaborative projects together with outstanding scientists from the scientific advisory board (http://zenith-etn.com/#sab). Labs are based in renowned institutions in Paris, London, Barcelona, Munich, Lisbon, Edinburgh, Berlin, and Vienna.

The ZENITH PhD programme is recruiting enthusiastic, passionate, well-rounded students at the bachelor and master levels with a strong interest in interdisciplinary approaches (neurobiology, systems neuroscience, mathematics, optics, molecular biology, computer science). Students accepted in the program will benefit from in-depth interdisciplinary mentorship from 2 supervisors from different fields and will follow hands-on workshops to consolidate their understanding of all relevant techniques. Students will receive a generous PhD fellowship supporting their in-depth training, social benefits and travel.

The 15 PhD projects are built around five scientific themes:
1. Implementing advanced optical methods
2. Linking molecules to circuits
3. Studying communication between cell types and regions
4. Linking circuits to behaviour
5. Computational modelling of neuronal population activity and behaviour

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