Random walks are a cornerstone of statistical physics. While Brownian motion has long been under scrutiny, there is a growing interest in a different type of motion: persistent walks. Examples abound in active matter and biological world, from self-propelled particles and crawling cells to foraging animals and a plethora of swimming micro-organisms. The statistical properties of such random motipar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Random walks are a cornerstone of statistical physics. While Brownian motion has long been under scrutiny, there is a growing interest in a different type of motion: persistent walks. Examples abound in active matter and biological world, from self-propelled particles and crawling cells to foraging animals and a plethora of swimming micro-organisms. The statistical properties of such random motipar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Microphase separation of living cells Self-organization of cells is central to biological systems and understanding the underlying mechanisms is a long-standing quest. Our recent experiments on the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum show that those motile cells can spontaneously self-assemble into compact aggregates with a characteristic size of 100 μm. The phenomenon is in fapar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Optimal persistent random walks Random walks are a cornerstone of statistical physics. While Brownian motion has long been under scrutiny, there is a growing interest in a different type of motion: persistent walks. Examples abound in active matter and biological world, from self-propelled particles and crawling cells to foraging animals and a plethora of swimming micro-organisms. The statistpar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Clustering of active particles Active matter is a class of systems where a large number of self-propelled entities interact. Examples range from Janus colloids developed in the laboratory to bacteria colonies, mosquito swarms and bird flocks. Active matter is currently under intense scrutiny, as it exhibits properties that are uncommon in systems at thermodynamic equilibrium. One strikpar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Marangoni propulsion The presence of surfactant such as amphiphilic molecules at the air-water interface may locally alter the surface tension and induce a flow in the underlying water, as exemplified in the celebrated tears of wine phenomenon. Such Marangoni effects have a long history - with early observation dating back to 1557- but their study has received a new impetus with the currentpar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF
Active clusters Active matter is a class of systems where a large number of discrete entities endowed with self-propulsion interact. Examples range from Janus colloids developed in the laboratory to bacteria colonies, mosquito swarms and bird flocks. Active matter is currently under intense scrutiny, as it exhibits properties that are uncommon in systems at thermodynamic equilibrium. One strikpar François Detcheverry - Thèses hors de l'EDPIF