Theoretical PhD grant in the "Barcelona Quantum Monte-Carlo group" at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in downtown Barcelona.
Deadline: October 20, 2024
Starting date: 01/01/2025
The group focuses on the study of quantum gases, liquids and solids, by means of an ample spectrum of techniques which include Quantum Monte-Carlo and other many-body methods (e.g., diagrammatic, variational, Gross-Pitaevskii, Bethe Ansatz, virial expansion, ...).
The main topics of interest of the group are:
- dynamics and thermodynamics of ultracold quantum mixtures and dipolar gases
- superfluidity and supersolidity
- quantum vortices and turbulence
- quantum simulation of continuum and lattice models, disordered systems, open systems and quantum chemistry
- transport properties in 2D materials
This is a 4-years grant, open to applicants of all nationalities who will have terminated their Master studies by the end of 2024.
Contact : Pietro Massignan (UPC)