The CEA and the CNRS have launched the design of a new high-brightness compact neutron source (HiCANS) based on a medium-energy proton accelerator: the ICONE project [1]. The long-term objective is to build a facility offering an instrumental suite of around ten spectrometers for the French and European scientific community. The project is currently in the Technical Design Report phase. This step will make it possible to refine all the technical aspects of the facility.
In this context, the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin wishes to study the possibility of building a neutron spectroscopy instrument suitable for measuring excitations in condensed matter (phonons, magnons). The proposed project is divided into two parts.
The candidate will have to explore the design of a new neutron spectroscopy instrument adapted to the ICONE source. This work will be based on instrumental developments carried out on other time-of-flight neutron sources (ESS, ISIS, SNS, etc.). New concepts such as BIFROST or MUSHROOM [2] will be explored. In this modelling phase, the candidate will build a virtual instrument using a combination of tools (such as McStas, NCrystal, OClimax, etc.) to approximate the modelling of a digital twin of a neutron spectroscopy instrument. This model will integrate the details of the interaction of neutrons with a sample but also with its environment. The results of the virtual experiments will be validated by the analysis tools developed for ESS.
At the same time, the candidate will participate in experimental runs and will be involved in the reduction and analysis of experimental data. This work will allow the candidate to acquire good knowledge of (i) neutron – matter interactions and (ii) neutron spectroscopy instruments. The data collected will be compared to the results of virtual experiments and will serve as a reference point for validating performances and calculations results on innovative concepts.
The candidate must hold a Master 2 degree and have a good affinity for digital modelling.
Duration and localization
3-year fixed-term contract at the CEA (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission) at the Saclay center in the Léon Brillouin Laboratory at the IRAMIS institute.
Starting period
The position is open for September 2024. Funding is provided by a CFR grant from the CEA.
Send a curriculum vitae to and, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
[1] Le projet ICONE ; Livre Blanc
[2] MUSHROOM, A new kind of instrument for high rate low energy spectroscopy experiments
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